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10 datos curiosos que quizá desconocías sobre el planeta Tierra

By Kevin Sato
Published in Deportes
May 24, 2023
1 min read
10 datos curiosos que quizá desconocías sobre el planeta Tierra

As a writer for a news site, I came across an interesting article titled “10 Datos Curiosos que Quizá Desconocías sobre el Planeta Tierra” that caught my attention. This article presents 10 facts about our planet that many of us may not know.

One of the fascinating facts revealed is that the Earth actually has two North Poles - the geographic North Pole and the magnetic North Pole, which constantly moves due to the Earth’s magnetic field. Another interesting fact is that Earth’s rotation is gradually slowing down, causing the length of a day to increase.

The article also shares that there are more than 100,000 earthquakes worldwide each year and that lightning strikes the Earth’s surface approximately 100 times per second. In addition, the Earth’s ozone layer, which protects us from harmful UV radiation, is thinner near the equator than at the poles.

As someone who studies Earth science, I found these facts to be intriguing and informative. It’s always important to learn more about the world we live in and how it works.

Overall, this article serves as a reminder of the incredible complexity and uniqueness of our planet. Whether through its natural wonders or its ever-changing weather patterns, there is always something new to discover and appreciate about Earth.

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Kevin Sato

Kevin Sato

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