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"A la gente que me hizo bullying": El potente descargo de participante de The Voice tras eliminación

By Maya Flores
Published in Entretenimiento
May 29, 2023
1 min read
"A la gente que me hizo bullying": El potente descargo de participante de The Voice tras eliminación

I just read this article titled “A la gente que me hizo bullying”: El potente descargo de participante de The Voice tras eliminación and it was intense! The article talks about a contestant on the show The Voice who experienced bullying in the past and used her time on the show to address it. She gave a powerful speech about how the bullying affected her and how she’s overcome it. The article goes into detail about what she said and how the judges and audience reacted.

This article really caught my attention because I’ve also experienced bullying myself and I know just how damaging it can be. I think it’s important that we talk about it and try to find ways to prevent it from happening in the first place. It’s not just something that happens to kids in school, it can happen in the workplace or online too.

One thing I found interesting was that the contestant used her time on the show to raise awareness about bullying. She didn’t just talk about her own experience, but also spoke up on behalf of those who are still going through it. I think that’s really brave and shows that people who have been bullied can take back their power and use their voice to make a difference.

Overall, I think this article is important because it sheds light on a topic that’s often brushed under the rug. By addressing the issue head-on, we can start to make progress toward a world where everyone feels safe and accepted for who they are.

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Maya Flores

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