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¿Aburrido de comer carne? Intenta con esta receta de berenjenas fritas

By Isabel Thakur
Published in Recetas
June 02, 2023
1 min read
¿Aburrido de comer carne? Intenta con esta receta de berenjenas fritas

So I was reading this cool article about a recipe for fried eggplant that supposedly beats meat any day! The author starts off by talking about how sometimes we get tired of the same old meat dishes and want to spice things up a bit. And that’s where this recipe comes in.

Basically, you just slice up some eggplant, coat it in flour and spices, and fry it up until it’s crispy and delicious. You can serve it with some tzatziki sauce for an extra kick. The author even suggests trying it as a vegetarian alternative to chicken parmesan!

What I love about this recipe is how easy it is to make. Plus, eggplants are super nutritious and versatile, so it’s a win-win situation. You can even switch up the spices to give it different flavors.

Overall, I think this article is a great reminder that we don’t always have to rely on meat for our meals. Trying out new recipes and ingredients can be fun and tasty. Plus, it’s a good way to reduce our carbon footprint and support sustainable agriculture.

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Isabel Thakur

Isabel Thakur

Food & Fashion Writer

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