So, I read this article about a traffic accident that happened between two trucks in Constitución, and unfortunately, one person died. The accident occurred in the early hours of the morning when one of the trucks crossed the center line and collided with the other truck.
The victim was a passenger in one of the trucks, and the driver of the other truck was seriously injured and rushed to the hospital. The police are investigating the causes of the accident, but initial reports suggest that one of the drivers may have fallen asleep at the wheel.
It’s always tragic when something like this happens, and it’s a reminder of how important it is to be alert when driving. I’ve had a few close calls myself on the road, so I know firsthand how easy it is to get distracted or tired behind the wheel.
Overall, this article is a sobering reminder of the risks we take every time we get behind the wheel. It’s important to be aware of our surroundings and to take steps to avoid accidents whenever possible. Drive safe out there, folks.
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