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Alcalde de Futrono Claudio Lavado (UDI) acorralado por acusaciones de corrupción: compras públicas involucraron cotizaciones falsas |

By Jason Nguyen
Published in Politica Nacional
June 05, 2023
1 min read
Alcalde de Futrono Claudio Lavado (UDI) acorralado por acusaciones de corrupción: compras públicas involucraron cotizaciones falsas |

The mayor of Futrono, Claudio Lavado, is facing allegations of corruption involving fake quotations in public purchases. The accusations were made by a journalist who investigated the matter and found that the mayor’s office had awarded contracts to companies that submitted false quotes. The investigation revealed that some of the involved companies had ties to Lavado’s political party, the UDI. The mayor vehemently denied the allegations, stating that the quotations were submitted in good faith, and he offered to cooperate with the authorities to clarify the situation. However, the accusations have sparked outrage in the community, and some are calling for Lavado’s resignation. The allegations raise questions about the transparency and accountability of public officials, especially in small towns where connections and influence can play a big role in decision-making. The case highlights the importance of independent journalism and effective oversight mechanisms to ensure that public funds are used for the benefit of the community and not for personal gain.

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Jason Nguyen

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Freelance Journalist

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