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Alcalde Uribe plantea necesidad de programas enfocados en Salud Mental a autoridades del Ministerio de Desarrollo Social

By Tristan Garcia
Published in Vida Sana
June 14, 2023
1 min read
Alcalde Uribe plantea necesidad de programas enfocados en Salud Mental a autoridades del Ministerio de Desarrollo Social

The Mayor of Uribe in Colombia recently brought attention to the need for mental health programs in the country. The Mayor addressed the authorities at the Ministry of Social Development, emphasizing the importance of prioritizing mental health in policy-making. He drew attention to the rising cases of mental health issues due to the ongoing pandemic. The Mayor also mentioned how marginalized communities in the country are often neglected and suffer the most due to the lack of necessary resources. Mental health is often stigmatized in Colombia, and not enough resources are allocated towards it. This is not the first time that the Mayor has brought attention to the importance of mental health programs. He has implemented several mental health initiatives in his locality as a result of recognizing the need. Mental health is an essential aspect of well-being, and it is vital that society prioritizes its importance. The pandemic has brought to light the dire need for mental health resources, and it is encouraging to see figures like the Mayor stepping up and advocating for mental health programs. It is crucial that proper resources are allocated towards developing and sustaining systems that can provide mental health support to everyone in need. Overall, it is essential to continue the conversation around mental health, increase awareness, and work towards developing policies and resources that can provide necessary support to those who need it.

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Tristan Garcia

Tristan Garcia

Writer & Tech Critic

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