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Alcaldes de Colchane y Estación Central se reúnen y acuerdan crear mesa con parlamentarios y alcaldes para propuesta legislativa sobre migración

By Tristan Garcia
Published in Actualidad
June 16, 2023
1 min read
Alcaldes de Colchane y Estación Central se reúnen y acuerdan crear mesa con parlamentarios y alcaldes para propuesta legislativa sobre migración

So, I read this article about how the mayors of two towns in Chile, Colchane and Estación Central, got together and decided to create a group with other politicians to come up with laws surrounding migration.

Basically, they’re trying to figure out how to help migrants who come into Chile and make sure they’re being treated fairly and have access to the things they need. The group will consist of other mayors and members of parliament who will work together to create proposals for new legislation.

Honestly, I think it’s pretty cool to see politicians working together like this to help people who might not have a voice otherwise. I’ve personally seen how tough it can be for migrants to navigate a new country and get the things they need. Plus, with the pandemic making things even more difficult, I think it’s important that we keep finding ways to help each other out.

Overall, I think this article shows how important it is for politicians to work together and come up with solutions to help those who might be struggling. It’s not an easy task, but I’m glad to see people trying to make a positive difference.

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Tristan Garcia

Tristan Garcia

Writer & Tech Critic

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