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Alcaldesa Evelyn Matthei por Plan Calles Sin Violencia: "Es maquillaje, con eso uno no está derrotando al narcotráfico" - Atentos

By Jason Nguyen
Published in Politica Nacional
May 19, 2023
1 min read
Alcaldesa Evelyn Matthei por Plan Calles Sin Violencia: "Es maquillaje, con eso uno no está derrotando al narcotráfico" - Atentos

It seems that the Mayor of Providencia, Evelyn Matthei, is not entirely convinced by the government’s latest initiative to tackle drug violence. In an interview with radio station Cooperativa, she expressed skepticism about the Plan Calles Sin Violencia (Streets Without Violence Plan), calling it “makeup” and stating that it will not be enough to defeat drug trafficking. Matthei, who has long been an advocate for tougher policies on drug dealers, urged the authorities to adopt a more radical approach. She believes that more resources should be invested in law enforcement, as well as education and prevention programs targeted at vulnerable groups, such as young people and families. Matthei emphasized that drug violence is a complex issue that requires a comprehensive solution, not just cosmetic fixes. Her comments come amid growing concern over drug-related crimes in the region, with several violent incidents reported in recent months. The topic is important because drug violence is a major challenge facing many communities around the world, and it requires a coordinated effort from governments, NGOs, and civil society to address it effectively. Matthei’s stance highlights the need for more debate and dialogue on this issue, and the importance of exploring innovative, evidence-based solutions.

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Jason Nguyen

Jason Nguyen

Freelance Journalist

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September 16, 2023
1 min

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