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Alcaldesa Matthei no desalojará toma del Liceo Lastarria y apuesta al desgaste de la movilización escolar |

By Isabel Thakur
Published in Politica Nacional
May 20, 2023
1 min read
Alcaldesa Matthei no desalojará toma del Liceo Lastarria y apuesta al desgaste de la movilización escolar |

So I stumbled upon this article on about a mayor in Chile, named Alcaldesa Matthei, who decided not to evict students occupying a school building called the Liceo Lastarria. Sounds pretty wild, huh?

Basically, the students are protesting against poor conditions in their schools and the lack of action taken by the government to improve them. And instead of trying to forcefully remove them, Matthei is taking a different approach. She’s hoping that by allowing the students to continue their protest, they’ll eventually tire themselves out and give up.

Now, I’m no expert on Chilean politics or education, but I gotta say, I’m impressed by Matthei’s decision. I think it shows a level of patience and understanding that’s becoming increasingly rare in politics today. Plus, it’s nice to see a government official actually listening to the concerns of their constituents instead of just bulldozing over them.

On a personal note, I remember when I was in high school, we had a similar situation where some students staged a walkout to protest the administration’s decision to cancel prom. It wasn’t as big of a deal as what’s happening in Chile right now, but it did lead to some heated debates between students and faculty. In the end, the administration actually ended up compromising and reinstating prom, which was pretty cool.

Overall, I think this article is a great reminder that democracy isn’t just about voting and having the majority rule. It’s also about listening to minority voices and finding compromises that work for everyone. And in this case, it seems like Matthei is doing just that.

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Isabel Thakur

Isabel Thakur

Food & Fashion Writer

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