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Alejandra Ojeda de Ipsos: “Un tercio del país cree que tanto migración legal como ilegal está conectada con la crisis de seguridad pública. Eso es un riesgo”

By Oliver Gallo
Published in Actualidad
June 05, 2023
1 min read
Alejandra Ojeda de Ipsos: “Un tercio del país cree que tanto migración legal como ilegal está conectada con la crisis de seguridad pública. Eso es un riesgo”

Yo, have you heard about this article on the connection between migrantion and public safety in Mexico? It’s pretty interesting stuff. So, basically, Alejandra Ojeda from Ipsos conducted a study that found that about a third of people in Mexico believe that legal and illegal migration is connected to the country’s public safety crisis. And as she warns, that could be a big risk. Like, if people are blaming migrants for the violence in the country, it could lead to even more discrimination and aggression towards them.

Personally, I think it’s important to remember that migration is a complex issue and it’s not always as simple as saying “migrants are to blame for everything.” I mean, think about all the different factors that push people to leave their homes and seek safety elsewhere. It’s not just about personal choice - it’s often about survival. At the same time, though, we do need to take measures to increase public safety, so it’s a tricky balance.

In any case, I think it’s important for us to have these conversations and really dig into the root causes of these issues, rather than just jumping to easy conclusions. The more we can do to understand the complexities of migration and public safety, the better equipped we’ll be to create real change.

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Oliver Gallo

Oliver Gallo

Investigative Journalist

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