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Andrea Cardemil, psicologa experta en crianza, entrega recomendaciones sobre la importancia de la salud mental materna

By Eric Sterling
Published in Vida Sana
May 14, 2023
1 min read
Andrea Cardemil, psicologa experta en crianza, entrega recomendaciones sobre la importancia de la salud mental materna

So, I just read this really interesting article about the importance of maternal mental health. It’s written by Andrea Cardemil, a child psychologist who really knows her stuff when it comes to parenting advice. According to her, taking care of your own mental health as a mother is crucial to the well-being of both you and your child.

Basically, Cardemil says that if a mom is stressed out, anxious, or depressed, it can have a negative impact on her child’s overall development. She recommends that moms take time for self-care activities like exercising, pursuing hobbies, or even just taking a break from the constant demands of motherhood. She also stresses the importance of reaching out for professional help if needed, as there is no shame in seeking support.

Reading this article really hit home for me. As a new mom, I often feel like I should be able to handle everything on my own, but the truth is that parenting can be really overwhelming at times. Hearing from an expert that it’s okay to take care of myself, and that doing so can actually benefit my baby, was really reassuring.

All in all, I think this article is definitely worth a read for any mom (or dad!) who is struggling with the challenges of parenthood. Taking care of our mental health is so important, and this article provides some great advice and insights on why that is.

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Eric Sterling

Eric Sterling

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