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Aumentan cálculos renales en niños y niñas: "La dieta occidental favorece la producción"

By Oliver Gallo
Published in Mascotas
July 28, 2023
1 min read
Aumentan cálculos renales en niños y niñas: "La dieta occidental favorece la producción"

So, I just read this super interesting article titled “Aumentan cálculos renales en niños y niñas: La dieta occidental favorece la producción” which basically means “Kidney stones are on the rise in boys and girls: The Western diet encourages their formation.” Yeah, I know, sounds pretty crazy, right? Well, let me break it down for you.

The article talks about how the number of kids with kidney stones is increasing, and it’s all thanks to our good old Western diet. You know, the one filled with junk food, sugary drinks, and all that yummy stuff that we love to devour. Apparently, all that processed food is making our little ones more prone to developing these painful little stones.

According to the article, the reason for this increase is due to the fact that the Western diet is high in salt, sugar, and unhealthy fats. These ingredients combined can form crystals in the urine, which then clump together to create those awful kidney stones. And let me tell you, from personal experience (yeah, I’ve had my fair share of them), they’re no walk in the park. It’s like peeing out tiny rocks, and trust me, it’s not fun.

Now, it’s not just the junk food that’s to blame here. The article also mentions that certain medical conditions, like obesity and urinary tract infections, can play a role in the development of kidney stones in kids. So, it’s not all about what they eat, but also about their overall health.

But guess what? The good news is that we can actually do something about it! Encouraging our little rascals to eat a balanced diet, rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, can help prevent those pesky stones from forming. And hey, it’s not just good for their kidneys, but for their overall well-being too. It’s a win-win situation.

In conclusion, kids these days really need to cut back on the junk and start eating healthier if they want to avoid experiencing the joy of passing a kidney stone. So let’s spread the word and save those tiny kidneys from unnecessary pain! Trust me, they’ll thank us later.

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Oliver Gallo

Oliver Gallo

Investigative Journalist

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