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Bad Bunny es trolleado luego de lanzar canción con nombre en inglés: "Aquí tú hablas español"

By Maya Ito
Published in Entretenimiento
May 18, 2023
1 min read
Bad Bunny es trolleado luego de lanzar canción con nombre en inglés: "Aquí tú hablas español"

So I just read this article about Bad Bunny getting trolled after releasing a song in English called “Aquí tú hablas español.” Basically, people are giving him a hard time because his message is about speaking Spanish, but he decided to name the song in English. I mean, I kind of get where they’re coming from, but at the same time, the point is still to promote the use of Spanish.

According to the article, Bad Bunny’s new song is about the power of speaking Spanish and not being ashamed of it. He talks about how many people feel like they have to speak English to be successful or accepted, but he’s here to remind them that it’s okay to speak your own language.

However, some fans are criticizing him for giving the song an English title. They think it’s hypocritical and defeats the purpose of the message. Personally, I don’t think it’s that big of a deal. As long as the song encourages people to embrace their language and culture, who cares what the title is?

But it does bring up a larger issue about language and identity. As someone who grew up speaking two languages, I understand the pressure to assimilate and the importance of preserving your native tongue. It’s a complicated subject, but one worth discussing. At the end of the day, we should all be proud of where we come from and the languages we speak.

Overall, this article sheds light on an interesting conversation about language and cultural identity. Whether or not you agree with Bad Bunny’s choice of title, the message behind the song is still an important one. Let’s celebrate and preserve our languages, no matter what they are.

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Maya Ito

Maya Ito

Entertainment Reporter

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