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Bella Ramsey sobre Pedro Pascal: “Me preocupa que haya llegado demasiado lejos”

By Tristan Garcia
Published in Entretenimiento
June 05, 2023
1 min read
Bella Ramsey sobre Pedro Pascal: “Me preocupa que haya llegado demasiado lejos”

So, I just read this article about Bella Ramsey talking about Pedro Pascal, and it was pretty interesting. Basically, she said that she’s worried he’s gone too far with his acting, which is kind of crazy because he’s amazing. Apparently, he’s really intense on set and gets really into his roles, which is why he’s so good at it. But Bella is concerned that it’s taking a toll on him personally.

I can actually relate to that because I’ve seen friends who are actors really struggle with that balance between immersing themselves in a role and not completely losing themselves in the process. It must be hard to switch on and off like that, and I can imagine it could be really draining.

Anyway, back to the article. Bella did say that she admires Pedro’s commitment and passion for acting, but just hopes he’s taking care of himself. And honestly, that’s a message we could all use. It’s great to pursue your passions and put your all into it, but we also need to prioritize our well-being.

Overall, I thought this article was a reminder of how important it is to find that balance between working hard and taking care of ourselves. And if you’re a fan of Pedro Pascal (who isn’t?), it’s definitely worth giving it a read.

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Tristan Garcia

Tristan Garcia

Writer & Tech Critic

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