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Cantante cubana de ópera conquista a los coaches de The Voice Chile

By Isabel Thakur
Published in Entretenimiento
June 12, 2023
1 min read
Cantante cubana de ópera conquista a los coaches de The Voice Chile

I just read an awesome article about a Cuban opera singer who impressed all the coaches on The Voice Chile. This girl, whose name is Lisett, blew everyone away with her amazing vocal range and stunning performance. She sang “Habanera” from the opera Carmen, and had all the judges fighting over her before choosing to work with Puerto Rican reggaeton artist, Nicky Jam.

Personally, I’ve always been in awe of opera singers - being able to hit those high notes with such power and control is no easy feat! But it’s especially cool to see someone from Cuba getting recognition for their talent on this particular show.

In addition to Lisett’s impressive performance, what also struck me about this article was the way in which it highlights the diversity of talent across Latin America. We often hear about Colombian pop stars or Brazilian samba dancers, but it’s great to see talent from other countries like Cuba being recognized too.

Overall, I think this article is important because it shows how music can break down cultural barriers and bring people together, regardless of where they come from. It’s also a great reminder of the power of hard work and talent - Lisett clearly worked hard to get where she is today, and her success is well-deserved.

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Isabel Thakur

Isabel Thakur

Food & Fashion Writer

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