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Chilehuevos denuncia que recursos anunciados son insuficientes para compensar pérdidas por la influenza aviar

By Jason Nguyen
Published in Actualidad
June 21, 2023
1 min read
Chilehuevos denuncia que recursos anunciados son insuficientes para compensar pérdidas por la influenza aviar

Chilehuevos, the association of Chilean egg producers, reported that the government resources offered to compensate for the losses caused by the avian flu are insufficient. The government had allocated about $10 million to tackle the avian flu crisis, but this amount falls short of the actual damages caused by the outbreak. As a result, Chilean egg farmers are struggling to recover from losses. Chile is one of the top ten exporters of eggs in the world, and the avian flu outbreak has had a significant impact on the country’s economy. The Chilean government needs to provide more resources to help the farmers to recover. The problem of the avian flu is global, and it is essential to take all the necessary measures to prevent the spread of this disease. Avian flu not only affects animal health, but it also poses a threat to human health. Therefore, the government should take effective measures to mitigate this crisis, and it is vital to support the affected farmers.

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