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Ciclo de foros radiales A 50 años del golpe de Estado: Educación, democracia y migración - Universidad de Chile

By Noah Herrera
Published in Actualidad
June 13, 2023
1 min read
Ciclo de foros radiales A 50 años del golpe de Estado: Educación, democracia y migración - Universidad de Chile

So I stumbled upon an article that I found super interesting called “Ciclo de foros radiales A 50 años del golpe de Estado: Educación, democracia y migración - Universidad de Chile.” Basically, it’s talking about the 50th anniversary of the Chilean coup d’état and how it’s still affecting education, democracy, and migration in the country today.

From what I gathered, the article is talking about how the teachers and students who were affected by the coup are still dealing with the aftermath of it all. The country’s education system was turned upside down and it’s only now starting to recover. Additionally, migration has become a hot topic in Chile with many Venezuelans seeking refuge and creating a new community.

Honestly, I never really thought about how the events of the past can still have such a huge impact on a country today. It’s crazy to think that people who were just kids during the coup are now adults still feeling the effects. But it’s important to acknowledge the past and learn from it, so that we can create a better future for everyone involved.

On a personal note, I have friends who are Venezuelan refugees and it’s opened my eyes to how difficult it is to start over in a new place. It’s not just about learning a new language, but also about adapting to a new culture and finding a way to make a living. It’s a tough situation, but I’m glad that countries like Chile are opening their doors to help those in need.

In conclusion, the article is definitely worth a read. It sheds light on a topic that isn’t talked about enough and shows how important it is to remember the past so that we can create a better future. It’s a reminder that we need to be kind and compassionate towards those who are struggling, especially when it comes to matters of immigration.

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Noah Herrera

Noah Herrera

Writer & Environmental Correspondent

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