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Cámara aprueba salario mínimo: Republicanos rechaza en masa y UDI se divide

By Grace Chen
Published in Politica Nacional
May 10, 2023
1 min read
Cámara aprueba salario mínimo: Republicanos rechaza en masa y UDI se divide

So, I recently stumbled upon this article about the Chilean government approving a new minimum wage, and boy, did it cause quite the stir! According to the article, the Republican party was all up in arms about it, rejecting the proposal en masse, while the UDI party was divided on the issue.

Basically, what they decided was to increase the minimum wage to 337,000 pesos per month, which is about $442 in USD. This hike is intended to alleviate some of the financial difficulties that the COVID-19 pandemic has brought on, and to ensure that people can make a living wage.

Now, I don’t know about you, but I think it’s great that the government is finally doing something to help people out. It’s tough out there, and any little bit helps. However, what I found particularly interesting about this article was the political divide on the issue. It just goes to show that, even when it comes to something as seemingly straightforward as a raise in minimum wage, politics can get in the way.

At the end of the day, though, I believe that the most important thing is that people are able to afford to live. I hope that this new minimum wage will make a positive impact on the citizens of Chile, and that other governments will follow suit in prioritizing the well-being of their citizens.

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Grace Chen

Grace Chen

Freelance Writer

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