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Cómo hacer quesadillas veganas - Comedera - Recetas, tips y consejos para comer mejor.

By Ryan Wu
Published in Recetas
May 09, 2023
1 min read
Cómo hacer quesadillas veganas - Comedera - Recetas, tips y consejos para comer mejor.

I just read an article about how to make vegan quesadillas! I love quesadillas, but I’ve never tried making them without cheese, so I was really interested in learning about this.

The article starts by explaining how you can make your own vegan cheese by blending cashews, nutritional yeast, and other ingredients in a food processor. Then, it goes through step by step how to make the quesadillas, including which vegetables to use (like bell peppers and onion) and how to cook them so they’re perfectly crispy.

As someone who’s tried making vegan cheese before, I can vouch for how delicious it can be! Some people might be hesitant to try vegan alternatives to their favorite foods, but it can be a really fun and creative challenge. Plus, it’s a great way to incorporate more plant-based foods into your diet, which can have all kinds of health benefits.

Overall, I thought this was a really helpful article for anyone who’s interested in cooking more vegan food or just wants to try something new. It definitely inspired me to experiment with more vegan recipes in the future!

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Ryan Wu

Ryan Wu

Freelance Journalist

¿Fiestas Patrias sin carne? Lanzan la primera Guía de Fondas Veganas y Recetas Chilenas - Radio Agricultura
September 13, 2023
1 min

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