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Colegio Médico Puerto Montt llama a vacunarse contra la influenza

By Tristan Garcia
Published in Actualidad
June 04, 2023
1 min read
Colegio Médico Puerto Montt llama a vacunarse contra la influenza

The regional branch of the Colegio Médico, Puerto Montt, in the Los Lagos region of Chile is urging the public to get vaccinated against influenza. According to the report, the flu season is already in full swing, and it is crucial that people take steps to protect themselves, especially this year due to the overlapping of the flu season and the COVID-19 pandemic. The call for vaccination echoes the recommendations of global health authorities who have warned of the potential harm of the double exposure of diseases. Doctors are reminding the public that influenza vaccination is safe, effective, and free in the public healthcare system. They also noted that getting immunized protects not only the vaccinated person but also their families, friends, and co-workers.

This call comes at an important time for Chile as a whole, which is currently facing a surge in COVID-19 cases in some areas, and an increased demand for healthcare services. The healthcare system has stressed the importance of vaccination to minimize the potential spread of both the flu and COVID-19.

The Colegio Médico Puerto Montt’s call to action highlights the importance of being proactive in protecting one’s health. Influenza vaccination is a critical measure to prevent transmission, reduce severity, and avoid complications of the flu. As we navigate the challenges of living in a pandemic, it is essential to remain vigilant and maintain good health practices. By getting vaccinated against influenza, people can help themselves, their families, and their community.

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Tristan Garcia

Tristan Garcia

Writer & Tech Critic

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