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Columna de Pablo Ortúzar: Constitución: rojo amanecer - La Tercera

By Noah Herrera
Published in Politica Nacional
August 01, 2023
1 min read
Columna de Pablo Ortúzar: Constitución: rojo amanecer - La Tercera

So, I was reading this article called “Columna de Pablo Ortúzar: Constitución: rojo amanecer” in La Tercera and man, it really got me thinking. Basically, the article is all about how our constitution needs a major revamp, like right now.

According to Pablo Ortúzar, the author, our current constitution was imposed on us during the dictatorship, and it’s super outdated. He argues that it doesn’t properly reflect the values and needs of our society today. And you know what? I couldn’t agree more!

Ortúzar highlights how the current constitution limits our abilities to make meaningful changes and address pressing issues, like social inequality and fundamental rights. It’s like trying to solve a Rubik’s cube with only one color – pretty impossible, right?

But here’s the thing, this isn’t just some random guy’s opinion. This topic has been trending in Chile for a while now. There have been massive protests demanding a new constitution, so it’s clearly something people feel strongly about. And honestly, I can see why.

In my own interactions with friends and family, I’ve seen how frustrated everyone is with the red tape and bureaucratic mess that often comes with trying to make changes in our country. It’s like we’re stuck in this never-ending loop of inefficiency. And trust me, it’s exhausting!

So, the key takeaway here is that our constitution is holding us back – it’s preventing us from moving forward as a society. We need a fresh start, a constitution that truly represents and protects our rights and values. It’s time to let go of the old and embrace the new, no matter how uncertain it may feel.

All in all, this article really opened my eyes to the importance of constitutional reform. It’s not just about politics or legal stuff, it’s about creating a system that works for everyone and ensures a better future for all of us. And if that means saying goodbye to the old constitution, well, I’m all for it!

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Noah Herrera

Noah Herrera

Writer & Environmental Correspondent

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