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Comisión de Constitución aprueba proyecto de isapres patrocinado por la UDI y RN

By Ryan Wu
Published in Politica Nacional
May 16, 2023
1 min read
Comisión de Constitución aprueba proyecto de isapres patrocinado por la UDI y RN

I just read this cool article about a new project that’s being pushed forth by the UDI and RN political parties for isapres. Have you heard about it? Essentially, the Comisión de Constitución just approved a proposal to allow insurance companies to offer differentiated prices based on things like age or pre-existing conditions. Crazy, right?

It’s interesting because this has been a hot topic for a while now. Chileans have been questioning the fairness of the current system, where everyone pays the same amount regardless of their health status. Some people argue that it’s not fair that healthy young people pay the same as older folks who have a higher risk of needing medical attention.

Personally, I can see the pros and cons of both systems. On one side, I can see how it’s only fair that the price is adjusted based on individual risks. After all, insurance companies are businesses that need to make a profit, and they shouldn’t have to charge everyone the same amount if they know some people are more likely to use the service. On the other side, though, I worry that this could lead to discrimination against people with pre-existing conditions. It could be difficult for them to find affordable insurance, which could make their health issues even worse.

Overall, I think this is an important topic to keep an eye on. Isapres play a huge role in the healthcare system here and any changes to their policies could have a big impact on people’s lives.

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Ryan Wu

Freelance Journalist

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