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Comisión de Constitución vota sexto retiro de fondos AFP

By Elias Herrera
Published in Politica Nacional
June 06, 2023
1 min read
Comisión de Constitución vota sexto retiro de fondos AFP

So, there’s this article that caught my eye today about the Comisión de Constitución voting for a sixth withdrawal of pension funds in Chile. Can you believe it? It seems like there’s a new proposal to take out pension money every other week!

Basically, the Comisión de Constitución is a committee in the Chilean Congress that has the power to initiate legislative reform on constitutional matters. And this time, they’re proposing that people should be able to withdraw up to 10% of their pensions for a sixth time due to the ongoing economic hardships brought on by the pandemic.

Now, I don’t know about you, but I’m one of those people that cringe at the idea of dipping into my future savings. I mean, retirement is already expensive enough as it is, right? But I also understand the desperation that many people are feeling right now, struggling to make ends meet during these tough times.

It’s important to note that this proposal still needs to be debated, approved, and signed into law before anything actually happens. But it’s definitely worth keeping an eye on as it could have significant implications for the short-term and long-term financial health of Chilean citizens.

All in all, this article points to a larger issue of the ongoing economic struggles and uncertainties of the pandemic. It highlights the balancing act that policymakers have to navigate between providing relief to those in need while also ensuring that future financial stability is not compromised.

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Comisión de Constitución rechaza sexto retiro de AFP
Elias Herrera

Elias Herrera

Lifestyle Columnist

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