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Con 29 años: Un joven Negro Piñera cantando alegremente en Sábados Gigantes de 1983 |

By Isabel Thakur
Published in Actualidad
May 16, 2023
1 min read
Con 29 años: Un joven Negro Piñera cantando alegremente en Sábados Gigantes de 1983 |

I came across an interesting article on about a young Black man singing joyfully in a Chilean television show in 1983. The man was none other than Sebastian Piñera, the current president of Chile, who, at the time, was 29 years old and had just returned from studying in the United States. The article includes a video of Piñera’s performance on Sábados Gigantes, a popular television show hosted by the legendary Chilean presenter, Don Francisco.

The video shows Piñera, dressed in a beige suit, performing the song “Niño Judio” (“Jewish Boy”) with a big smile on his face while Don Francisco dances along. The article notes that Piñera’s appearance on the show was a big deal at the time as it was still uncommon to see Black people on Chilean television, let alone singing and dancing.

The article provides a brief history of Piñera’s life, including his upbringing in a conservative family that valued education and his successful career as a businessman before entering politics. The article also mentions the criticism Piñera has faced during his presidency for his handling of issues affecting Chile’s Indigenous population.

This story caught my attention because it sheds light on a lesser-known aspect of Piñera’s life and personality. It is interesting to see how his past experiences have shaped him into the leader he is today, and how his appearance on a popular television show in the 80s contributed to breaking down racial barriers in Chilean media.

The key takeaway from this article is that Piñera’s appearance on Sábados Gigantes was a historic moment in Chilean television, and a reminder of the progress that has been made in terms of representation and diversity. It is important to acknowledge these milestones, but also to recognize that there is still work to be done to ensure that everyone has equal opportunities and treatment regardless of their race or ethnicity.

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Isabel Thakur

Isabel Thakur

Food & Fashion Writer

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