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Contraloría responde a ministra de Salud por dichos de CLC

By Owen Galvez
Published in Mascotas
June 13, 2023
1 min read
Contraloría responde a ministra de Salud por dichos de CLC

The Contraloría General de la República, Chile’s government auditing agency, has responded to recent remarks made by Minister of Health, Enrique Paris, regarding the purchase of medical equipment from China-based company CLC. Paris had defended the purchase, despite allegations of price gouging and a lack of quality control, stating that the equipment was urgently needed to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. In response, the Contraloría stated that it will carry out an audit of the procurement process, emphasizing the importance of transparency and accountability in all government transactions.

It is interesting to see the pushback from the Contraloría, which is tasked with ensuring compliance with government regulations and procedures. This highlights the need for rigorous oversight in all public purchases, especially those related to the ongoing public health crisis. The controversy around the CLC purchase also raises questions about the quality of medical equipment being procured by governments around the world to combat COVID-19, and the potential risks for patients and healthcare workers if substandard equipment is used.

As the pandemic continues to challenge healthcare systems and economies worldwide, governments must prioritize transparency and accountability in all public expenditures, particularly in the area of medical equipment procurement. The Contraloría’s response to the CLC controversy serves as a reminder of the importance of these principles and the need to uphold them in the face of urgent public health needs.

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Owen Galvez

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