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Conversas RHM Sazonadas: Expertos mundiales en salud mental y violencia en el trabajo se reúnen con líderes empresariales en un almuerzo premium

By Noah Herrera
Published in Vida Sana
June 24, 2023
1 min read
Conversas RHM Sazonadas: Expertos mundiales en salud mental y violencia en el trabajo se reúnen con líderes empresariales en un almuerzo premium

Hey there! I just read this cool article called Conversas RHM Sazonadas and it was all about a meeting between mental health and workplace violence experts and business leaders!

Basically, they all got together over a fancy lunch to talk about how to better address mental health in the workplace and prevent violence. They even discussed the role that leadership plays in creating a healthy work environment.

I found this really interesting because, in my experience, workplace stress and mental health issues are often ignored or dismissed. It’s great to see experts and leaders coming together to try and make a change.

One thing that stood out to me was how they discussed the importance of employee well-being as a way to increase productivity and profitability. It’s not just about being nice - taking care of employees actually benefits the bottom line.

Overall, I thought this was a super insightful and important gathering, and I hope more discussions like this happen in the future. It’s time for mental health to be taken seriously in the workplace!

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Noah Herrera

Noah Herrera

Writer & Environmental Correspondent

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