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Córdova llama a Presidencia a leer la Constitución completa tras reclamo a la Corte por análisis sobre invalidar parte del plan B

By Maya Flores
Published in Politica Nacional
May 11, 2023
1 min read
Córdova llama a Presidencia a leer la Constitución completa tras reclamo a la Corte por análisis sobre invalidar parte del plan B

In a recent development in Colombia, the Minister of Interior, Daniel Palacios Córdova, has called on the country’s presidency to read the constitution in its entirety. This move comes after the presidency filed a request with the Constitutional Court for an analysis on invalidating part of Plan B. According to Córdova, the presidency should have read the Constitution before making such a request.

It is important to note that Plan B is an alternate measure to the peace process signed between the Colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) rebels. The idea behind Plan B is to have a mechanism in place in case the peace process fails.

Córdova believes that the presidency’s request highlights the need for better understanding of the constitutional laws in Colombia. Furthermore, he urged the presidency to find other ways aside from the Constitutional Court to resolve the issue with Plan B.

This call for a better understanding of the Constitution is important because it brings to light the need for more informed decision-making in the country. This will help to ensure that all parties involved are well-informed, and decisions are taken based on the best interests of the country.

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Maya Flores

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