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Cuenta Pública: Diputados ofician a Boric por suspensión de clases y lo asemejan con "funerales narco"

By Tristan Garcia
Published in Politica Nacional
May 31, 2023
1 min read
Cuenta Pública: Diputados ofician a Boric por suspensión de clases y lo asemejan con "funerales narco"

So, I just read this article about Diputado Boric being under fire for suspending classes and being compared to “funerales narco” by some of his peers in Chile. Basically, he’s receiving some harsh criticism for his decision to suspend in-person classes due to rising COVID cases. Some legislators are saying that he’s being overly dramatic and making the situation seem worse than it actually is.

It’s interesting to me because this isn’t just happening in Chile – I’m seeing similar debates happening all over the world. As someone who’s been personally affected by COVID and the shutdowns, it’s a tricky situation. On one hand, I understand the importance of safety measures and preventing the virus from spreading. On the other hand, I worry about the long-term impact on education and mental health, especially for younger generations.

Regardless of where you fall on the debate, I think it’s important to acknowledge the challenges that leaders are facing right now. It’s not an easy time for anyone, and the pandemic has forced us to make difficult decisions that have an impact on everyone’s lives. All we can do is stay informed and try to support each other as best we can.

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Tristan Garcia

Tristan Garcia

Writer & Tech Critic

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