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Cuenta Pública: Piñera emplaza al gobierno a “olvidarse del legado y preocuparse de los problemas de la gente”

By Owen Galvez
Published in Actualidad
June 01, 2023
1 min read
Cuenta Pública: Piñera emplaza al gobierno a “olvidarse del legado y preocuparse de los problemas de la gente”

In his annual public address to Chile, President Sebastián Piñera called on the government to prioritize the needs of the people instead of focusing solely on the legacy of past administrations. Piñera expressed concern over recent protests and social unrest, acknowledging the underlying issues of inequality and lack of opportunities. He outlined plans to increase access to healthcare, education, and employment opportunities, while also emphasizing the importance of economic growth and stability. The president also announced a new anti-terrorism law and measures to combat corruption. Piñera’s speech comes at a crucial time for Chile, as the country navigates a period of political and social change. The address highlights the government’s role in addressing the needs of citizens and promoting a more equitable society. Overall, Piñera’s message underscores the importance of addressing the challenges facing Chile and prioritizing the well-being of its people.

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