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De Boric a Neme: figuras reaccionan ante muerte de Augusto Góngora

By Elias Herrera
Published in Politica Nacional
May 20, 2023
1 min read
De Boric a Neme: figuras reaccionan ante muerte de Augusto Góngora

So, I just read this really interesting article about the death of Augusto Góngora and how some big names in Chilean culture have reacted to it. Basically, Góngora was a musician and composer who was well-known in the Chilean music scene, and his sudden death has left a lot of people shocked and saddened.

The article mentions a few different people who have spoken out about Góngora’s passing, including the singer Nano Stern and the visual artist Francisco Gazitúa. They all seem to be expressing similar sentiments — that Góngora was a talented and beloved figure who will be deeply missed.

What’s really striking to me, though, is the way that these people are using their art to pay tribute to Góngora. For example, one musician wrote a song in memory of him, while another artist created a mural that features Góngora’s face. It’s inspiring to see how people can come together to honor someone who meant so much to them.

As a musician myself, I feel like this really hits home. I know how much music and art can mean to people, and it’s heartening to see that kind of passion and creativity being used to celebrate someone’s life.

Overall, I think this article is just a really beautiful reminder of the power of music and art, and how they can bring people together in times of joy and sorrow alike. It’s a somber topic, but also one that leaves me feeling inspired and hopeful.

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Elias Herrera

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