Hey there! So I came across this article titled “Denuncias por alimentación con sopa de col a futuros ingenieros cubanos” and boy is it a doozy. Essentially, there have been reports filed about Cuban engineering students being fed some pretty gross soup made from cabbage leaves and water.
From what I gathered, the students were supposed to be getting a stipend for their meals, but instead they were given this subpar soup as a way to cut costs. And to make matters worse, the soup wasn’t even properly cooked, leaving the students at risk of getting sick.
Unfortunately, this is nothing new in Cuba. I remember when I visited a few years back, my friends who lived there told me about the struggles they faced when it came to getting proper nutrition. It’s a real shame that students who are supposed to be the future of the country are being given such low-quality food.
Overall, this article sheds light on the ongoing issues of poverty and food insecurity in Cuba, and how it’s affecting the education of its students. It’s a sad reality, but important to talk about and address.
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