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¿Depresión o ansiedad?: podrías sufrir trastorno disfórico premenstrual

By Noah Herrera
Published in Vida Sana
May 16, 2023
1 min read
¿Depresión o ansiedad?: podrías sufrir trastorno disfórico premenstrual

So, I read this super interesting article about premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD)—it’s a type of depression and anxiety that some women experience a week or two before their periods start. Crazy, huh?

Basically, the article explained that PMDD is way more intense than regular PMS, and it can really affect your quality of life. Symptoms can include things like mood swings, fatigue, sleep disturbances, and even suicidal thoughts in severe cases.

As someone who has dealt with PMS in the past, I found this article pretty eye-opening. I mean, I knew some women had it worse than others, but I had no idea it was an actual disorder with a name and everything.

The article also touched on some of the potential causes of PMDD, like genetics and changes in hormone levels. Plus, there are some treatments that can help, like hormonal birth control or antidepressants.

All in all, I think this is an important topic for everyone to be aware of—not just women. After all, we all have mothers, sisters, girlfriends, and female coworkers who could be affected by PMDD. And if we can understand what they’re going through, we might be better equipped to support them when they need it.

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Noah Herrera

Noah Herrera

Writer & Environmental Correspondent

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