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Diario HOY | Payo y su "nueva Constitución": exigirá a autoridades acudir a hospitales públicos

By Maya Flores
Published in Politica Nacional
May 09, 2023
1 min read
Diario HOY | Payo y su "nueva Constitución": exigirá a autoridades acudir a hospitales públicos

I just read this article about a politician named Payo who wants to require public officials to seek medical treatment at public hospitals in the Dominican Republic. It caught my attention because healthcare is such an important issue, and it’s interesting to see someone actually taking action to address it.

Basically, Payo is advocating for a new constitution that would force government officials to use public hospitals instead of private ones. He argues that this would improve the quality of healthcare for everyone, not just the wealthy, and force the government to invest in and improve the country’s failing public hospital system.

I think this is a really important issue because healthcare should be a basic human right, and access to quality medical treatment shouldn’t be limited to those who can afford it. Unfortunately, this is often the case in the DR and many other countries around the world.

Personally, I have some experience with the DR’s public hospital system, and let me tell you, it’s not good. I had to go to a public hospital once when I was living there, and it was a nightmare. The facilities were outdated and overcrowded, the staff was overworked and underpaid, and it took forever to get any kind of treatment.

But I also know people who have had positive experiences with public hospitals in the DR, and who believe that they can be improved with the right investments and reforms. So I think this is an issue that deserves attention and discussion, and I’m glad that Payo is bringing it to the forefront with his proposal.

Overall, I think it’s important to remember that healthcare is a human right, and that we should all have access to quality medical treatment regardless of our income or social status. If Payo’s proposal can help move us closer to that goal, then I’m all for it.

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