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Diputada Cordero presenta recurso de apelación contra sentencia que acogió la solicitud de desafuero afirmando que dichos contra Senadora Campillai “obedecen a un contexto de crítica política”.

By Ana Escamilla
Published in Politica Nacional
July 26, 2023
1 min read
Diputada Cordero presenta recurso de apelación contra sentencia que acogió la solicitud de desafuero afirmando que dichos contra Senadora Campillai “obedecen a un contexto de crítica política”.

In a recent development, Diputada Cordero has filed an appeal against a court sentence that granted the request to revoke the parliamentary immunity (“desafuero”) of Senator Campillai. The appeal argues that the accusations made against the Senator are simply a reflection of the current political criticism. This case has garnered attention due to its implications for political discourse and the delicate balance between politicians’ rights and holding them accountable.

The appeal presented by Diputada Cordero challenges the court’s decision to strip Senator Campillai of her parliamentary immunity. The court had granted the request for revocation based on accusations made against the Senator, alleging that her statements were defamatory towards Diputada Cordero.

However, Cordero’s appeal contends that the accusations made against Senator Campillai are part of a broader context of political critique. It argues that as politicians, they are subject to public scrutiny and criticism, including through harsh rhetoric. According to the appeal, the statements made by Senator Campillai should be seen as part of the larger political discourse rather than defamation.

This case sheds light on the delicate balance between freedom of speech and the responsibility of politicians. It raises important questions about the limits of political critique and how those in power are held accountable for their actions and statements. While politicians should be able to express their opinions freely, it is essential to address any potential harm caused by defamatory or damaging remarks.

It is worth noting that political discourse often involves intense debate and heated arguments, which can sometimes blur the line between criticism and personal attacks. Thus, cases like this serve as a reminder of the need for thoughtful and respectful dialogue in the realm of politics.

In conclusion, Diputada Cordero’s appeal against the revocation of Senator Campillai’s parliamentary immunity highlights the dynamic nature of political critique and the importance of striking a balance between free speech and the responsibility that comes with it. As this case moves forward, it will be interesting to see how the court system takes into account the complexity of political discourse and its implications for the rights and obligations of politicians.

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Ana Escamilla

Ana Escamilla

Freelance Journalist

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