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Diputados republicanos piden al CDE querellarse en contra de la alcaldesa Irací Hassler por fallida compra de Sierra Bella

By Maya Ito
Published in Politica Nacional
May 27, 2023
1 min read
Diputados republicanos piden al CDE querellarse en contra de la alcaldesa Irací Hassler por fallida compra de Sierra Bella

In a recent development, Republican deputies have called on the CDE to sue Irací Hassler, the Mayor of Santiago, over the failed purchase of Sierra Bella. The controversy surrounding the purchase deal stemmed from the acquisition of the land at a higher price than the commercial value. Reports indicate that the difference amounts to an estimated CLP 3.8 billion, resulting in public outcry and criticism of the Mayor’s administration. It is worth noting that the company that made the purchase received an official notice of default from the municipality. Meanwhile, the group of deputies claims that Irací Hassler must be held responsible for using taxpayer money in an ineffective deal. The call for legal action against the Mayor marks an escalation in this ongoing dispute between the municipality and the Republican party.

Corruption and mismanagement are the two prominent issues that commonly arise in public discourse around government officials. The article highlights the potential breaches of public trust in this land deal, which is a matter of concern for the entire public. The Republican deputies’ demand to sue the mayor supports transparency and accountability in local governance. It’s an illuminating story that brings to light the political landscape in Chile and makes us think about the importance of ethical leadership in any organization.

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Maya Ito

Maya Ito

Entertainment Reporter

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