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Diputados RN piden terminar “privilegios” de presos mapuche

By Ryan Wu
Published in Politica Nacional
May 14, 2023
1 min read
Diputados RN piden terminar “privilegios” de presos mapuche

So, I read this article about some National Renewal (RN) Parliament members in Chile pushing for an end to privileges for Mapuche prisoners, and it was pretty interesting.

Basically, the RN deputies are calling for an overhaul of the prison system to prevent Mapuche prisoners from receiving preferential treatment compared to non-Mapuche inmates. The Mapuche people are an indigenous group in Chile who have long struggled with discrimination and dispossession of their land, and some of them have been arrested and charged with crimes related to their activism.

The article mentions that there are currently around 30 Mapuche prisoners in Chile, and that they have been subjected to harsher treatment than other prisoners, including being kept in solitary confinement for extended periods of time. The RN deputies believe that this is unfair and that all prisoners should be treated equally under the law.

As someone who has studied indigenous rights and social justice, I find this issue really important. It’s not just about ending privileges for some prisoners, but about addressing the broader systemic issues that have led to the criminalization of indigenous activists and the mistreatment of Mapuche prisoners in the first place.

Also, I have to say, the fact that some prisoners are getting better treatment based on their ethnicity is just mind-boggling to me. It’s 2021, people! Let’s get with the program and start treating everybody with the dignity and respect they deserve.

In conclusion, the RN Parliament members’ call to end privileges for Mapuche prisoners is a step in the right direction, but there is much more work to be done to address the underlying issues of discrimination and inequality. Let’s keep fighting for justice and equality for all people, regardless of their background.

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