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Diputados UDI exigen a Boric aclarar públicamente la creación de los 94 mil empleos públicos en un año

By Carlos Hermano
Published in Politica Nacional
May 25, 2023
1 min read
Diputados UDI exigen a Boric aclarar públicamente la creación de los 94 mil empleos públicos en un año

As the 2021 Chilean presidential elections approach, politicians are stepping up their game to gain the trust of the public. Recently, the UDI representatives have demanded that presidential candidate Gabriel Boric clarify publicly how he plans to create 94,000 public jobs within a year, a proposal he had previously made.

Boric, who is known for his progressive and leftist views, has proposed to create a National Public Service System that would recruit and train public servants. However, the UDI representatives are skeptical about the viability of the proposal, and they are pressuring Boric to provide details about how he intends to turn his proposal into reality.

According to the UDI representatives, creating 94,000 jobs in a single year would require substantial funding, infrastructure, and manpower. Additionally, they argue that the creation of public jobs should be done in a manner that does not undermine the private sector or the economy.

Boric has yet to respond to the demand, but the issue of job creation has become a major topic in the presidential campaign, with the candidates seeking to convince voters of their ability to stimulate the economy and reduce unemployment.

The call for increased transparency and accountability in political promises is crucial to the public’s trust in government officials. Furthermore, the creation of public jobs can have a great impact on the society, especially in times of economic hardship. It is imperative for candidates to provide comprehensive plans and explanations regarding their proposals, and for the media to report on these plans to keep the public informed.

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Carlos Hermano

Carlos Hermano

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