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Dra. Cordero volvió a EXPLOTAR contra políticos que LA ACUSARON por su polémica con Campillai

By Elias Herrera
Published in Politica Nacional
May 20, 2023
1 min read
Dra. Cordero volvió a EXPLOTAR contra políticos que LA ACUSARON por su polémica con Campillai

Have you heard about the case of Gustavo Gatica and the controversy surrounding the involvement of Carabineros in the case? Well, Dra. Cordero has been at the center of the debate. She is a neurologist who specializes in pain and an expert in the study of trauma, pain and stress. She has been accused by political figures of bias against Carabineros in her public statements regarding the case of Gustavo Gatica, a young man who was blinded during a protest in Chile last year.

In a recent interview, Dra. Cordero took the opportunity to vent her frustration with the politicians who accused her of having a bias against Carabineros. She argued that anyone who watches the video footage of the incident would reach the same conclusion that she did. She also expressed her concerns about the justice system in Chile and the role of politicians in influencing public opinion on difficult cases. Dra. Cordero has had a long history of advocating for victims of traumas, and this is one case that she feels very passionately about.

The case of Gustavo Gatica has become a symbol of the ongoing clashes between protestors and police in Chile over the past few years. Many have criticized the government for its handling of the protests, and have called for reforms to the police departments and justice systems. Dra. Cordero’s outburst against the politicians who criticized her is just one more example of the contentious nature of the debate in Chile. The case is important because it highlights the deep divisions within Chilean society, and the ongoing struggle for justice and human rights.

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Elias Herrera

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