Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, an iconic wrestler and Hollywood actor, recently opened up about his struggles with depression. In an interview with the US magazine, “Express”, Johnson revealed that he experienced his first bout of depression when he was just 15 years old after he and his family went through a difficult time. He said that his mother attempted suicide by walking into incoming traffic, and he was in a dark place for months after that.
Despite his fame and success, Johnson said that he still faces intense moments of depression. He encouraged people going through the same thing to “hold on to that fundamental quality of faith” and to talk to loved ones about their feelings.
This article caught my attention because it sheds light on an important issue in society that is often overlooked - mental health. Despite the stigma that still surrounds depression, public figures like Johnson sharing their personal struggles can help de-stigmatize the issue and encourage more people to seek help if they need it.
It’s important to recognize that depression can affect anyone, regardless of their status or background. By discussing his own experience with depression, Johnson is helping to break down barriers and encourage people to talk openly about their mental health. Overall, this article serves as a reminder to prioritize our mental health and seek help when we need it.
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