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El comentado primer microciclo de Luis Mena en la Roja Femenina

By Zoe Bauer
Published in Deportes
June 10, 2023
1 min read
El comentado primer microciclo de Luis Mena en la Roja Femenina

I just read this awesome article called “El comentado primer microciclo de Luis Mena en la Roja Femenina” that talks about the first training session of the Chilean women’s national soccer team under their new coach. As a soccer fan myself, I found it really interesting to see how Mena is approaching his new role and what changes he’s making to the team.

Basically, Mena is trying to create a more cohesive and unified team by focusing on building relationships between the players. He’s also using a more individualized approach to training, tailoring workouts to each player’s specific needs and strengths. This is a departure from the team’s previous coach, who used a more one-size-fits-all approach.

One thing that caught my attention was the emphasis on mental preparation. Mena is having the players work with a sports psychologist to help them develop strategies for handling the pressure of playing at the international level. As someone who struggles with anxiety myself, I can definitely appreciate the importance of mental health in sports.

Overall, I think this article is a great reminder of how important good coaching is in sports. A great coach can not only improve a team’s performance on the field, but also help the players grow as people. I’m excited to see how Mena’s coaching style translates to the team’s performance in their upcoming games.

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La Roja Femenina anunció nómina para el primer microciclo de Luis Mena
Zoe Bauer

Zoe Bauer

Health and Wellness Writer

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