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"¿El número 1...?": Le mencionan a Piqué en vivo a Lewis Hamilton y así reacciona

By Noah Herrera
Published in Entretenimiento
June 11, 2023
1 min read
"¿El número 1...?": Le mencionan a Piqué en vivo a Lewis Hamilton y así reacciona

I just read this crazy article about Gerard Piqué and Lewis Hamilton! Have you heard about it? So, apparently, Piqué was doing an interview when the interviewer brought up Hamilton and his recent win in Barcelona. And get this - Piqué had no idea who Hamilton was! Can you believe it?

But it gets even better (or worse, depending on how you look at it). When the interviewer pulled out a picture of Hamilton, Piqué thought it was a picture of him! Talk about an ego boost, right?

Anyway, the whole thing got me thinking about how different people can be in terms of their interests and knowledge. I mean, I’m sure there are tons of things that you’re super into that I have no idea about, and vice versa. It’s just funny to see someone like Piqué, who’s a professional athlete and presumably knows a lot about sports, be completely clueless about another sport.

Overall, I think the article is important because it serves as a reminder that we all have our own areas of expertise and ignorance. It’s important to be open to learning new things and to not be too quick to judge others for what they do or don’t know. Plus, it’s always entertaining to see a celebrity make a fool of themselves on live TV!

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Noah Herrera

Noah Herrera

Writer & Environmental Correspondent

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