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Elecciones, migración y cohesión social post pandemia - La Tercera

By Sophie Hawthorne
Published in Actualidad
May 14, 2023
1 min read
Elecciones, migración y cohesión social post pandemia - La Tercera

As the pandemic continues to ravage populations, concerns of elections, mass migration and social cohesion have emerged as critical topics globally. A recent article titled “Elecciones, migración y cohesión social post pandemia” published on La Tercera delves into how the pandemic has impacted elections, migration, and social cohesion metrics.

The article highlights various factors that are likely to influence elections. For instance, the impact of the pandemic on people’s standard of living, increased unemployment rates, limited access to public services, and the rising political pressure to change society’s status quo could create tense election periods.

Additionally, the article discusses the effects of migration - forced or voluntary - on societies. Through migration, societies encounter new cultures, diversity, and different ways of life, which can enhance social cohesion. However, it also presents challenges to political systems, social interactions, and economies, which could lead to ethnic and social discrimination, ethnic clashes, political extremism, and socio-economic inequalities.

In summary, the pandemic has brought to light several aspects that will play a critical role in shaping societies post-pandemic. From the challenges involved in holding elections in the face of economic and health challenges, to addressing the implications of mass migration on social cohesion, these factors will shape the nature of interaction between individuals and their governments.

It’s crucial that policymakers find ways to manage and mitigate the effects of these factors constructively. Understanding the relationship between elections, migration, and social cohesion could be a path towards creating a more inclusive and equitable society for all.

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