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Empresa Arauco dice que decreto 701 "no se usa hace más de 20 años" tras llamado de Boric a derogarlo

By Ryan Wu
Published in Politica Nacional
June 21, 2023
1 min read
Empresa Arauco dice que decreto 701 "no se usa hace más de 20 años" tras llamado de Boric a derogarlo

So, I stumbled upon this interesting article today about Empresa Arauco and their response to Gabriel Boric’s call to abolish the 701 decree. Basically, Boric urged the government to revoke this decree that grants tax incentives to the forestry industry by exploiting native forests. Arauco, a major player in this industry, stated that they haven’t utilized the decree for more than two decades, which raises questions about its relevance in modern times.

Personally, I find it intriguing how such decrees are still standing despite their questionable impact on the environment. It’s refreshing to see politicians like Boric taking the initiative to promote sustainable practices and protect our natural resources. It’s about time we start prioritizing the planet over profits.

The article highlights how the 701 decree has generated controversy since its inception in 1974 due to allegations of environmental damage and the exploitation of indigenous communities. The fact that Arauco claims to not use it is concerning, as it raises questions about why it still exists and the impact it has on the other companies still using it.

Overall, I think it’s important to pay attention to these issues and hold companies accountable for their actions. It’s crucial that we work towards creating a sustainable future for ourselves and for future generations. I believe that abolishing decrees like 701 is a step in the right direction. What are your thoughts on this?

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Ryan Wu

Freelance Journalist

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