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“Encerrarme no es buena idea…”: Alejandro Sanz se sincera acerca de su salud mental

By Ryan Wu
Published in Vida Sana
May 30, 2023
1 min read
“Encerrarme no es buena idea…”: Alejandro Sanz se sincera acerca de su salud mental

So, I just read this really interesting article about Alejandro Sanz opening up about his mental health struggles. It’s called, “Encerrarme no es buena idea…” which means “Locking myself up is not a good idea.” As someone who has dealt with mental health issues before, the title immediately caught my attention.

Basically, Alejandro talks about how he has struggled with anxiety and depression for years, but was always scared to talk about it publicly because of the stigma surrounding mental health. However, he realized that by staying silent, he was actually making things worse for himself.

He learned that it’s okay to talk about your problems and seek help, whether that’s through therapy, medication, or simply talking to friends and family. He also talked about how important it is to take breaks and not get overwhelmed by work or other responsibilities.

Reading this article made me feel less alone in my struggles with mental health, and I think that’s really important. There’s still so much stigma surrounding mental illness, and people often feel like they have to suffer in silence. But articles like this one help break down those walls and encourage people to speak up and seek support.

Overall, I think this article was really eye-opening and important. It’s great to see someone like Alejandro Sanz using his platform to start important conversations about mental health. We still have a long way to go in terms of breaking down stigma and providing accessible mental health resources for everyone, but every little bit helps.

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