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Equipo de Salud Mental del Hospital de Rengo participa en proyecto sobre esquizofrenia en Chile

By Maya Flores
Published in Vida Sana
June 05, 2023
1 min read
Equipo de Salud Mental del Hospital de Rengo participa en proyecto sobre esquizofrenia en Chile

I found an interesting article about the Mental Health team at Rengo Hospital that is participating in a project about schizophrenia in Chile. This catches my attention as I believe it is important to draw attention to mental health issues and support initiatives that aid those affected.

According to the article, the team teamed up with the University of O’Higgins to launch a four-year project aimed at improving early detection and treatment of schizophrenia. The project is set to include various activities such as training and awareness-raising campaigns for people living with the condition.

Schizophrenia is a chronic and severe mental disorder that affects how a person thinks, feels, and behaves. It is not a split personality disorder as commonly portrayed by media but is rather a complex and disabling illness that affects 1 in every 100 people worldwide.

The initiative with the Rengo Hospital team and the University of O’Higgins cannot be overemphasized, as schizophrenia is still stigmatized in Chile leading to a lack of proper care and support services. Victims are often labeled as crazy or dangerous, and this makes early detection difficult and appropriate treatment inaccessible. It is critical to reduce the social stigma of schizophrenia, and improve public awareness to ensure that people living with the condition receive the appropriate care and support they need.

In conclusion, the project on schizophrenia will positively impact Chilean society and encourage its healthcare system to prioritize mental health. Investing in mental health initiatives such as this is necessary to ensure that mental illness is not stigmatized, and people can access adequate care.

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