So, I just read an interesting article titled “Era la reina madre”: la teoría del Inspector Vallejo tras convenio millonario de pareja de Catalina Pérez. Basically, it’s about this huge settlement that a wealthy couple had to pay to their former nanny, Catalina Perez, for all the unpaid hours and mistreatment she endured while working for them.
The thing is, the case made Inspector Vallejo, a popular detective in Spain, come up with a theory that the “real” queen in this story was actually Perez, who had to endure a lot of abuse and mistreatment from her employers. According to him, Perez was the one who “ruled” their household, even if they had all the money and power.
I found that theory really interesting because it challenges our traditional ideas of power and hierarchy in a household. It makes you think about all the invisible labor that domestic workers do and how undervalued it often is.
The article also provides some context on the legal battle and the settlement itself, which was huge (around € 230,000!). Apparently, the couple tried to argue that Perez was an independent contractor and not an employee, hence not entitled to labor rights. But the court ruled otherwise, and now they have to pay for what they did.
Overall, I think this article sheds light on an important issue that often goes unnoticed: the exploitation of domestic workers. It also shows that even if you have money and power, you can’t just treat people like disposable objects. I hope this case sets a precedent for more awareness and respect towards this type of labor.
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