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“Es muy valiente”: Jaydy Michel rompe el silencio sobre la depresión de Alejandro Sanz

By Sophie Hawthorne
Published in Vida Sana
June 12, 2023
1 min read
“Es muy valiente”: Jaydy Michel rompe el silencio sobre la depresión de Alejandro Sanz

So, there’s this article that caught my eye called “Es muy valiente”: Jaydy Michel rompe el silencio sobre la depresión de Alejandro Sanz. Basically, it’s about how Alejandro Sanz’s ex-wife, Jaydy Michel, spoke out about his struggle with depression, which he has been dealing with for years.

The article talks about how Jaydy Michel initially kept quiet about the situation, but ultimately decided to speak up because she knows that depression is something that affects a lot of people and that there is a stigma attached to it that needs to be broken. She even said that she admires Sanz’s bravery for being open about his struggles and hopes that it will encourage others to seek help if they need it.

I think it’s really important that people start talking more openly about mental health, especially considering all of the stress and anxiety that we’ve been dealing with lately. I’ve struggled with my own mental health in the past, so it’s always encouraging to see people like Jaydy and Alejandro speaking out and trying to break down the barriers that keep people from getting the help they need.

Overall, I thought the article was really informative and well-written. It’s not often that you see celebrities talking openly about their mental health struggles, so it’s definitely a topic that deserves more attention.

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Sophie Hawthorne

Sophie Hawthorne

Freelance Writer

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