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Esto es lo que se sabe del nuevo acuerdo de Shakira y Gerard Piqué por la custodia de sus hijos

By Jason Nguyen
Published in Entretenimiento
July 13, 2023
1 min read
Esto es lo que se sabe del nuevo acuerdo de Shakira y Gerard Piqué por la custodia de sus hijos

So, I came across this article about Shakira and Gerard Piqué’s new custody agreement for their kids, and man, it’s got some interesting details! Basically, it’s all about how they’re deciding on the best way to co-parent their children even though they’re no longer together.

From what I gathered, Shakira and Gerard have sat down and hashed out an arrangement that seems pretty fair. They’ve agreed to divide their time with the kids equally, so both parents will get to spend quality time with them. And get this, they’ve even decided to hire a psychologist to help them navigate through any potential disagreements that might arise. Talk about being proactive!

Oh, and here’s the kicker - they’ve also made sure to address the issue of international travel. You see, Shakira is from Colombia and Gerard is from Spain, so it could get a bit tricky. But they’ve set up a schedule that allows the kids to spend extended periods of time in both countries. Way to think ahead, guys!

Now, I’ve gotta say, I find this whole situation pretty impressive. Co-parenting after a breakup can be tough, but these two seem to be putting their kids’ well-being first, and that’s what really matters. It’s great to see them working together and making sure their children have a stable and loving environment.

As someone who’s seen friends go through messy custody battles, it’s refreshing to see Shakira and Gerard taking a different approach. It’s important for kids to have a healthy relationship with both parents, even if they’re no longer together. This kind of agreement sets a good example for other couples going through similar situations.

All in all, I think this article sheds light on the importance of open communication and compromise when it comes to co-parenting. Shakira and Gerard are showing us that it’s possible to put aside personal differences and focus on what’s best for the children. Plus, it’s a reminder that celebrity couples are just as human as the rest of us.

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Jason Nguyen

Freelance Journalist

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