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Estrategia de La Moneda para aislar a republicanos logra su primer triunfo para la tríada de Marcel, Jara y Elizalde

By Ana Escamilla
Published in Politica Nacional
May 12, 2023
1 min read
Estrategia de La Moneda para aislar a republicanos logra su primer triunfo para la tríada de Marcel, Jara y Elizalde

Hey there! So, I just read this really interesting article titled “La Moneda Strategy to Isolate Republicans Achieves First Victory for Marcel, Jara, and Elizalde Trio” and it blew my mind! Basically, the article discusses how the current government in Chile is using a strategic approach to isolate the opposing Republican party. The article highlights a recent victory for the governing party, which involves the appointment of three new members to the Constitutional Court, all of whom are left-leaning.

To put it simply, the Chilean government is stacking the court with their allies, which will enable them to push forward their agenda without much resistance from the opposition. This tactic has been used successfully by other governments in the past, but it’s still a controversial approach and has garnered criticism from various groups.

As someone who has studied politics, I find this article particularly interesting. It’s amazing to see how the government is playing politics and strategically making moves to maintain their power. It’s important to understand various political tactics that shape our lives and the policies that govern us.

On a lighter note, reading this article reminded me of a time when my friends and I were discussing politics, and we started joking about how some politicians are like chess players, always planning their next move. It’s funny how this article just confirms what we were joking about.

All in all, this article sheds light on a crucial aspect of politics, and it’s important to stay informed on the strategies used by governments to gain power and influence.

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Ana Escamilla

Ana Escamilla

Freelance Journalist

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