So, I just read this crazy article about a former minister in the Piñera government who is asking for a police officer to be pardoned for shooting a tear gas canister at a woman who is now blind. Yeah, you heard that right.
Basically, this carabinero was convicted of firing a lacrimógena at Fabiola Campillai during a protest, which ended up blinding her. The ex-minister is arguing that the officer didn’t intend to hurt anyone and was just following orders, so he shouldn’t be held responsible.
Honestly, I cannot even imagine what Fabiola Campillai has gone through since losing her sight due to this officer’s use of excessive force. It’s insane to think that someone could just walk away from something like that without any consequences.
I do understand that police officers have a tough job to do and sometimes need to use force to maintain order, but there has to be a line between lawful use of force and outright brutality. And if crossing that line results in permanent harm to innocent civilians, then there needs to be accountability and justice.
Overall, this article just reinforces the need for police reform and greater oversight, to ensure that officers are held accountable for their actions and that civilians are protected from unnecessary harm. We can’t just let things like this keep happening and expect people to trust the police or the government. It’s time for change.
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